After years of study and practice, one of the most rewarding aspects of a medical practitioner’s job is to use their knowledge to help others. While this typically takes the form of treatment and medical advice, it can also take the form of educating the next generation in their field. That is what Lifemark physiotherapist Louisa Simpson took part in this summer, joining the University of Toronto’s Professional Placement Program in Doha, Qatar.
Louisa was invited by Dr. Vitaly Kisilevsky, ENT, to join the placement program offered through U of T’s Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education. She was paired with Audiologist Jeffrey Shaw, a colleague of Dr. Kisilevsky’s at The Head and Neck Clinic in the Greater Toronto Area, to provide education and refine practical skills in vestibular rehabilitation.

Getting Involved in the Program
University of Toronto’s placement program provides opportunities for upper year students to connect theory to practice, receiving hands-on experience working with practitioners and leaders in community services within fields of kinesiology and physical education. The program’s mission is to expand and share knowledge in the global medical community, with Qatar being one of many countries involved in this networking initiative.
Lifemark’s growing vestibular rehabilitation program makes it a household name in the field, and one of the few facilities reliable in providing evidence-based care with consistent positive outcomes for patients, specifically those referred by Dr. Kisilevsky’s team. With the blessing of her Area Manager, Louisa headed out to Qatar in late July, excited to share her knowledge.
Stepping into the Shoes of a Teacher
Louisa’s module of learning was the last of four, taking place over the course of 10 days. She spent her time teaching 18 students, primarily practicing audiologists and ear nose and throat doctors, about practical skills in vestibular rehabilitation, addressing assessment, diagnosis, and treatment.

Louisa says she felt humbled by this experience. Her Master of Wing Chun martial arts always said “You will understand it better when you are pressured to teach it.” This was definitely true for her, as Louisa was able to appreciate her progress since taking Vestibular Courses run by Lifemark’s Sheelah Woodhouse six years ago. While she loved the experience of helping educate others, she also felt it rewarding to reflect and refine her own skills, returning to her practice feeling stronger.
Louisa also tried to teach her Qatari students that Canada does indeed have a summer and that winter can be a lot of fun, despite the cold. Needless to say, they were not convinced.
Louisa would encourage everyone to take part in a trip like this to any of the countries involved. The networking experience among clinicians around the globe is an amazing feeling, connecting over the commonalities in your practice, yet learning from the differences. Louisa found learning about differences in the Qatari lifestyle compared to the Canadian one a fascinating and humbling experience.

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