Available at multiple locations
Unit 6, 375 Kingston RoadPickering,OntarioL1V 1A3
601 King Street EastOshawa,OntarioL1H 1G3
Meet Sandhiya Palaniappan, a distinguished physiotherapist with an illustrious career spanning over 19 years in physical therapy. Her journey began in India, where she graduated with a Bachelor of Physiotherapy in 2004. For over a decade in India, Sandhiya honed her expertise in physiotherapy by treating various orthopedic and neurological conditions in multiple settings.
In 2016, Sandhiya embarked on a new chapter in Canada, where her passion for physiotherapy flourished. Licensed in Canada for 7 years, she has seamlessly integrated her extensive international experience with the Canadian healthcare landscape. She has made impactful contributions across diverse healthcare settings in Canada, including outpatient musculoskeletal physiotherapy at a hospital setting for a team of orthopedic surgeons, acute care settings treating medical and orthopedic conditions, long-term care facilities, and community care facilities.
Elevating her credentials further, Sandhiya recently earned a Master's in Upper Extremity and Rehabilitation from the esteemed University of Western Ontario. This new academic achievement as a hand therapist and advanced health care practitioner in upper extremity rehabilitation distinguishes her from other physiotherapists.
At the heart of Sandhiya's practice lies a profound dedication to transforming lives through compassionate and effective care. Her ability to tailor treatment plans to meet individual patients’ needs sets her apart.
- Registered Physiotherapist PT B.P.T. MCLSc Upper Extremity Rehabilitation