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Specialty program: Pelvic health

Do you suffer from incontinence, pelvic pain, pain with intercourse or sexual dysfunction or have you been avoiding pelvic exams?

We can help. Our pelvic floor physiotherapists will provide treatment in a safe, respectful, inclusive environment so you can get back to life.

Our inclusive pelvic rehabilitation program is a safe, drug-free treatment that has been proven highly effective to help individuals with varying pelvic health concerns.

We can help assist with low back pain, pelvic, abdominal and hip pain, pain in the vagina, pseudovagina, rectum or perineum, testicular pain, pain with intercourse, bladder or bowel incontinence, urinary urgency/frequency, and bladder pain.

What causes pelvic floor issues?

Pelvic floor issues can have many causes, including being a consequence of medications, various pelvic surgeries including gender confirmation surgery (GCS), trauma due to pregnancy, labour and delivery, prolapse of pelvic organs, a history of sexual trauma, posture, breast binding, stress, lifestyle/diet, as well as changes due to aging and menopause.

How can a pelvic health treatment plan help me?

By taking an active role and with guidance from a qualified pelvic floor physiotherapist, you can take back your life and restore your pelvic health.

Our specially trained therapists commonly assess and successfully treat numerous pelvic floor issues and conditions. For example, although urinary incontinence is common, it should not be considered normal. Physiotherapy for urinary incontinence is successful 80-90% of the time.

How does it work?

A customized pelvic floor physiotherapy treatment plan will be developed to meet your needs. Physiotherapy for pelvic floor conditions may include a combination of approaches such as kegel and progressive strengthening exercises, stretching, manual therapy, bladder or bowel retraining, vaginal/pseudovaginal dilation, electrical muscle stimulation, biofeedback, behavioural techniques, and education.

What can I expect at my initial appointment?

At your initial appointment the physiotherapist will discuss your unique medical history that relates to your pelvic health concerns, so please bring details of any health problems and past treatments. At Lifemark, you can expect a safe, respectful, inclusive environment.

An internal examination may be conducted, with your consent, to evaluate the function of your pelvic floor, pelvic muscles and connective tissue and assess the neural tension around the pelvis. Our therapist will discuss your customized treatment plan and explain when you can expect to see results.

Cost and coverage

Whether you are receiving physiotherapy, chiropractic service, massage therapy, occupational therapy or other types of rehabilitation services, most health insurance providers reimburse all or a portion of the fees.

Our clinic staff can help confirm your health insurance coverage. Your treatment may be partially or fully covered if you have extended health benefits, a worker’s compensation claim, or were injured in a motor vehicle accident.

Find a Lifemark clinic to determine the coverage options available to you which may include:

  • All third-party insurance
  • Extended health benefits
  • Worker’s compensation
  • Motor vehicle accident insurance

Please note that for payment, all major credit cards, debit and personal cheques are accepted.

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Where to find our pelvic health program

British Columbia

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Ontario clinic

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Saskatchewan clinic

Saskatchewan clinic

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