Available at multiple locations
7071 Bayers Rd., Ste. 217Halifax,Nova ScotiaB3L 2C2
Jackie is an experienced nurse in Occupational Health with over 26 years nursing experience. She completes a variety of diagnostic testing procedures for employment medicals i.e. audiograms, spirometry, Titmus vision testing, breath alcohol and multi-panel drug testing. She has been involved in medical surveillance and several health screening projects within large employer and large industrial settings. Jackie is Lifemark’s Travel Health Consultant. She is an experienced vaccinator in a single person and multiperson clinic setting. Jackie is available for in clinic consultation or onsite employer clinics. Lifemark Travel Health Clinic is a designated yellow fever administration clinic through Public Health Agency of Canada and is able to offer all required pre-travel vaccinations and consultation as well as update vaccines per the Canadian Immunization Guidelines.