Available at multiple locations
111 - 2231 Louie DriveWest Kelowna,British ColumbiaV4T 3K3
101-20230 64th AveLangley,British ColumbiaV2Y 1N3
104-1634 Harvey AvenueKelowna,British ColumbiaV1Y 6G2
Joseph is 註冊心理輔導員 (廣東話), Canadian Certified Counsellor, BC Registered Clinical Counsellor and Ontario Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying). Joseph is also an approved Counsellor for nation-wide health clinics, ICBC, Crime Victim Assistance Program, First Nations Health Authority, and Residential Historical Abuse Program. Joseph offers online and in person service in both English and Cantonese 廣東話.
Joseph utilizes an integrative approach based on the current evidence-based psychology theories such as solution-focused brief therapy SFBT, dialectical behavioural therapy DBT, cognitive behavioural therapy CBT, cognitive processing therapy for PTSD CPT, motivational interviewing MI, mindfulness, attachment therapy, trauma, MANDT, etc. Joseph enjoys helping people understanding the benefits of psychology and he runs a weekly Instagram Q&A @wongcounselling.
黃先生是註冊心理輔導員 (廣東話)。他在非政府組織, 政府和醫療機構擁有20多年的經驗。他喜歡幫助人們了解諮詢心理學的工作原理。